pothi vastra
Pothi Bag

POTHI Cover Box-Type | Pothi Vastra| Red and Golden combination


Protect, honor and preserve tradition: Handcrafted Indian Pothi Bags or Pothi Vastra made from fabric, to safeguard Your Holy Books.

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Pothi Cover

Protect, honor and preserve tradition: Handcrafted Indian Pothi Cover to safeguard Your Holy Books.

Kimaya Home Decor’s Pothi Cover/Pothi Vastra are very rich in looks as well as excellent in use for storing our Dharma grantha aka Holy books at our home.

Every Indian home has a small temple in it and it has some meaningful books of shlokas, Arati, parayan etc. These are not just the books but our Dharma granthas and must be stored in good cloth and in dignity.

Our Pothi Cover comes in good size and in box type in which you can put as many small/medium size pothis/ holy books as possible.

Size-11 x 7 x 2 inches Material – silk, foam and cotton astar.

Use: To cover Charitra granth eg. Sai charit, Gurucharitra, Bhagvad geeta, Gajanan Vijay Granth(Old publication) It gives a beautiful feel and look to your holy book as well as Home Temple.

Our other Pothi cover collections is available at:


Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 27 × 17 × 5 cm


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